New Life In United States...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

IN National Art Gallery...

I saw lots of Master's oil paintings here, such as Da Vinci(Da2 Fen1 Qi2), Van Gogh(Fan2 Gao1), Monet(Mo4 Nai4)...I took more than 200 pictures here...but it is just 1/10 of the whole works...


  • too difficult for me to read in English. :)

    wish you happy in USA.

    Chen Chen at CITICS

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:35 AM  

  • Advise:build the column for leaving messages in ur blog.-wanly

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:34 AM  

  • Chen Chen, Nice to meet you here, many thanks!
    Wanli, I will try...thanks your advice...

    By Blogger Guo, Hongjun, at 11:11 AM  

  • 这个俺看着眼熟,是凡高的自画像和达芬奇的圣母像(可能)。

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:25 PM  

  • Send them to me, I will paste them here! --Hongjun

    By Blogger Guo, Hongjun, at 1:07 PM  

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