New Life In United States...

Sunday, July 30, 2006

In San Diego

I and my friend Shaoyi have the same birthday. He invited me visiting his home in San Diego--a buautiful city in the coastline of the Pacific Ocean...


  • 兄弟,明显是以茶代酒啊~~~~~~~~薛

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:09 AM  

  • sorry,the comment wrote above is the test that proves whether chinese canbe used or not.
    Nice to see u again here and know everything for is ok.Now here is connection with ur friend in china.i often come here.hahahahha......wanly

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:15 AM  

  • Wanli, you can write Chinese, I can read it--but cannot write.:(

    By Blogger Guo, Hongjun, at 11:06 AM  

  • Wish u good luck in U.S.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:16 PM  

  • 吴万华 祝愿你 在一个良好的环境中 学业有成,再上一个台阶!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:24 PM  

  • Wu, many thanks!

    By Blogger Guo, Hongjun, at 7:33 PM  

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